The digital revolution is building demand for digital skills and competences, thus requiring investment in infrastructure, digital resources and tools. Government agencies should reap the benefits of new ICT developments and adopt innovative and active participation to equip their organization with better service deliveries and provide themselves with better data analytic, management and rich full insight.
Cnopsis Solutions participated in the kick-off meeting of the National Statictical Data Warehouse (StatsDW) project. This project is in line with the DOSM’s priorities and aims of enablement of new data driven business practices, self service and promote data sharing culture across functional business areas. It’s also plan to incorporate new data platform to handle more advance data structures from new sources (Internet of Things (IoT), Industry revolution 4.0, the web, social media).
The main aims and outputs of the project were discussed on the 26th of September in Malaysia Statistical Training Institute (ILSM) Sungkai, Perak, where the meeting took place.

The meeting was very efficient and important for a mutual understanding and trust and gave a motivational boost for everyone to help to deliver the project objectives. Cnopsis Solutions thanks to the coordinator of this project, the Data Management and Integration Division, to see this project come to life.